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Rules for Stadium Use

  1. The facility will be open, on both weekdays and weekends, throughout the day and during the evening hours when the lights are on.
  2. The stadium is for the use of Bilkent University students and alumni; Bilkent University employees and their family members; and students of the Music Preparatory, BLIS and İDV Schools.
  3. The synthetic track is for running and walking exercise activities only and may not be used for other purposes. The grass area is available for team sports and individual sports activities.
  4. It is obligatory to wear sports clothing and, in particular, sports shoes when using the stadium.
  5. For safe and efficient use of the synthetic running track, it is recommended that
    – the outer lanes be used for walking,
    – the inner lanes be used for running, and
    – users should run/walk clockwise on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, and counterclockwise on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
  6. The synthetic running track track may be used while team training/exercise sessions are taking place on the grass field.
  7. Food or beverages other than water may not be consumed in the stadium.
  8. Pets are not allowed in the stadium.
  9. Actions that damage the facility (for instance, dragging goal posts on the grass or synthetic area, climbing on the goal posts, or pulling on the nets) are not permitted.
  10. Users must vacate the stadium when requested to do so by the security staff or any other authorized personnel due to any rule violations.

All of the above rules are intended to ensure that individuals using the stadium can participate in sports activities safely, in a safe environment. Users and spectators are responsible for their own safety and private belongings; Bilkent University may not be held responsible for any personal injury that might be incurred while using the facility. The user assumes all legal liability.