There is a post office (PTT-Turkish Postal Service) located in the southwest corner of Main Campus in the Administration Building next to the dormitories (266 4481, or ext.1275), and another at the main entrance (Bilkent Plaza PTT, 266 3107). Note that PTT offices’ working hours differ at various locations in the city. The one on Main Campus is open from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Large or central offices may have longer hours: the Ulus PTT office, for instance, is open every day from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
All University mail is brought from the post office twice a day for distribution on campus. Your mail will go to your department secretary or to your apartment, depending on the address given. Undeliverable mail is returned to the post office.
Addresses for correspondence
Department Address
Bilkent University
University Housing Address
Bilkent Üniversitesi Lojmanları
Blok #, Daire #
Special Note: You are advised to use registered or certified mail services when you are sending or expecting to receive valuable items through the
mail, particularly for international mailings sent during busy times of the year. It is not possible to track down the delivery status of items sent via
unregistered mail.
Note that items with a value of 430 euros or above are subject to customs fees if you bring them with you when entering the country. However,
when ordered online, items with a value of 30 euros or above are subject to customs fees. In the case that an item sent to you is being held by the
customs office due to its value, you will be informed by means of a notice sent to your address in Turkey. For further information please visit