Bilkent Loses Reyhan Göktaş, CS’94 Alumna and System Administrator of the Bilkent Computer Center

Bilkent Loses Reyhan Göktaş, CS’94 Alumna and System Administrator of the Bilkent Computer Center

Reyhan Göktaş, 1994 Bilkent graduate from the Department of Computer Engineering, System Administrator of the Bilkent Computer Center, again BCC system administrator Ahmet Göktaş’s wife passed away on Sunday, May 1, 2022.

We are deeply saddened by the loss of our alumna, and wish to extend our condolences to their families, friends and the Bilkent community.

Funeral service was held in “Cebeci Asri Mezarlığı” mosque after the afternoon prayers on May 01.