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Summer School Fees

2024 Summer School Course Fees

Taking courses in Summer School is optional and subject to fees. The tuition fees paid by the students for an academic year cover the courses taken in the Fall and Spring semesters and do not cover the courses taken in Summer School. Tuition fees for Summer School courses are charged on a per-course basis according to the following table.

Bilkent Scholarships cover the Summer School tuition fees as well. Students on comprehensive and full Bilkent scholarships do not have to pay any tuition for Summer School courses; students on partial Bilkent scholarships pay the percentage of fees that are not covered by their scholarships. However, please note that mandatory attendance requirements for scholarship students apply in the Summer School as well; if you show poor attendance in a course taken in the Summer School, your scholarship will be suspended.

A student who will graduate by repeating and passing only one course that s/he failed (got an F or FX grade) in Fall or Spring semesters of 2023-2024 academic year is eligible to enroll in the Individual Studies course, provided that the course is not offered in the Summer School; if the course is an elective course there must not be any other course in the same elective course set that the student can take. The tuition fee for Individual Studies is determined based on the number of credits of the course for which the student is taking Individual Studies.

%10 Value Added Tax (VAT) is included.


0 credit courses 9,500 TL
1 credit courses 19,000 TL
2 credit courses 28,500 TL
3 credit courses 38,000 TL
4 credit courses 47,500 TL
5 credit courses 57,000 TL
6 credit courses 66,500 TL


International Students and Turkish Nationals who should pay in US dollars

0 credit courses 300 USD
1 credit courses 600 USD
2 credit courses 900 USD
3 credit courses 1,200 USD
4 credit courses 1,500 USD
5 credit courses 1,800 USD
6 credit courses 2,100 USD


Note: Summer School tuition fees should be paid in advance before the summer school course registrations.