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University Facts

  • Bilkent University was established in 1984 as the first foundation university in Turkey, and admitted its first students in 1986.
  • The campus, 12 kilometers from the city center, is located in the country’s capital Ankara, a vibrant metropolis of 6 million.
  • There are 12,000 students enrolled at the University.
  • 66% of the student body is on scholarship.
  • Bilkent University has 30 undergraduate and 59 graduate programs in a variety of fields.
  • There are 700 faculty members; international faculty members from 34 countries comprise one-fourth of this number.
  • Faculty members were supported with a budget of approximately 1.8 billion Turkish Liras between 2005 and 2023 in the frame of the European Union (135), The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (908), public and private company (555) projects.
  • 11 ERC grants have been awarded to Bilkent researchers since 2007.
  • Bilkent University has student exchange program agreements with 360 universities around the world.
  • The Bilkent University Library is the most extensive academic library in the country with a budget nearing $3,000,000.
  • There are 100 student clubs at Bilkent, enabling students to come together to participate in favorite activities or develop new interests.
  • Since 1999, students have been taking part in numerous community projects organized by the Social Responsibility Center, Bilkent’s umbrella organization for volunteer activities.
  • Radio Bilkent, established and staffed by students, broadcasts in the FM band at the 96.6 MHz frequency.
  • Bilkent dormitories can accommodate a total of 4,830 students.
  • The Health Center offers health services to all students along with academic and administrative staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • The Bilkent Symphony Orchestra performs more than 50 concerts each year in Turkey and abroad.
  • Each year, around 100 well-known companies visit Bilkent University to inform students about career opportunities.
  • Bilkent Cyberpark, founded in 2002, is the fastest growing techno park in Turkey serving with 300 technology-based companies, 4 research centers, and 5,400 personnel.
  • There are approximately 60,000 Bilkent alumni.