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Setting up Researcher Profile IDs

Setting up researcher profile IDs on platforms such as ORCID, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar offers significant benefits for researchers. These platforms enhance academic visibility, facilitate citation tracking, showcase publications, and overall, help bolster the researcher’s impact in their field.

Below are step-by-step guidelines for creating profiles on these four essential platforms. It is advisable to start by setting up an ORCID profile, as many academic journals now request ORCID profiles during article publication. Scopus and Web of Science profiles can also be integrated with the ORCID profiles to ensure consistency across these platforms.

Step 1: Setting up and using an ORCID profile (in English) (in Turkish)
Step 2: Setting up and using a Scopus profile (in English) (in Turkish)
Step 3: Setting up and using a Web of Science profile (in English) (in Turkish)
Step 4: Setting up and using a Google Scholar profile (in English) (in Turkish)