THEA Interview: “Interview and Theatrical Performance with Dilek Türker”, 6.00PM October 18 (TR)

Bilkent University FMPA Theatre Department
For the 100th Anniversary of the Republic
Interview and Theatrical Performance with Dilek Türker

State Artist Dilek Türker will hold a one-person theatrical cultural event and conversation on art, women, existence and belonging.
The play “Türk’ün Ateşle İmtihanı”, which was transferred to the theater screen from the memories of Halide Edip Adıvar, in which the artist plays a role, will be exhibited at AST Bilkent Stage in cooperation with Tepe Emlak Yatırım.

Location: FMPA Theater Hall
Duration: 60 min
Date: October 18
Time: 18:00

GE 250-251 : 20 points