Talk: “Studying Euroscepticism in Comparative Perspective: Eurobarometer Findings,” Dr. Susanna Verney (National & Capodistrian University of Athens), A-130, 1:30PM December 19 (EN)

“Studying Euroscepticism in Comparative Perspective: Eurobarotmeter Findings”
Dr. Susanna Verney
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, National & Capodistrian University of Athens
Wednesday, December 19, 2018, 13:30 p.m.
FEASS Building, A-130

In recent years, ‘euroscepticism’ has become a buzzword in political life and in academic research. A series of votes across Europe have seen a striking rise in support for eurosceptic parties. Meanwhile, in several referendums various national publics have chosen to say ‘no’ to the European Union (EU), with the ‘Brexit’ vote of 23 June 2016 as just the most spectacular example. But to what extent has the period since the start of the eurozone crisis witnessed a transformation in public attitudes towards the EU? And how far does the apparent rise in popular discontent challenge the sustainability of European integration? The seminar will investigate these questions empirically by tracking public opinion before and since the start of the eurozone crisis, using the biannual Eurobarometer surveys conducted by the European Commission. The seminar aims to raise questions about the nature of popular euroscepticism and ways of measuring it.
Short Bio:
Susannah Verney currently teaches at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and is an Affiliate Researcher at the University of Glasgow. With Anna Bosco, she is co-editor of the journal South European Society and Politics and of the related Routledge book series (26 books published to date). She is a former Associate Editor of The Journal of Modern Greek Studies (2000-02) and since 2007, has been the Convenor of the ECPR Standing Group on Southern European Politics (most recent re-election in 2014). Her most recent books are European Integration: Multiple Crises and the Challenges of the Future (in Greek, co-edited with Antonis Kontis) (Papazissis, 2017) and Crisis Elections, New Contenders and Government Formation: Breaking the Mould in Southern Europe (co-edited with Anna Bosco) (Routledge, 2018). Her work on euroscepticism includes an edited volume Euroscepticism in Southern Europe: A Diachronic Perspective (2011) and seven articles on euroscepticism in Greece and Southern Europe published in South European Society and Politics, The International Political Science Review, The Journal of European Integration, and in edited volumes in both English and Spanish.