Seminar: “Top-Down Approach for Designing a Relief System of a Metropolitan City,” Béla Vizvári (Eastern Mediterranean University), EA-Z01, 1:40PM April 28 (EN)


Title: Top-Down Approach for Designing a Relief System of a Metropolitan City by
Béla Vizvári, Department of Industrial Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University
April 28, Friday 13:40

Abstract: The main concern of this study is that serious earthquake is expected in a metropolitan city. The city has historical parts where the houses are not earthquake resistant. Thus, serious damage can be expected in the case of a disaster. Many people will need relief, medical help including even operation. There will be panic, chaos in the traffic and shortage of communication capacities.
The designed system starts to provide relief automatically and collect information to update the description of the situation by UAVs, both. Other branches of the relief system have personnel who transport injured persons, give medical help, keep public order, etc.
The basic concept is that most functions of the relief system are executed by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). UAVs can be used for relief distribution, reconnaissance, patrolling, and measuring. The relief items are transported to distribution points covering the city. The transportation consists of waves as the demand changes in time. The system is controlled by the Disaster Command Center (DCC). DCC controls relief distribution, emergency vehicles, and local police. DCC has a multi-technology, and multi-channel communication system. It communicates to the local population, and the units of the relief system. DCC up-dates a data-basis in real time mode. Decisions and information provided to the local population reflect always the latest data.
The main topic of the talk is the top level, i.e. the relief system, and the problems of communication. The latter one is a second level problem. However, problems on different levels of the top-down approach are also mentioned.

Bio: Béla Vizvári has MS (1973) and PhD (1979) degrees in mathematics (operations research) from Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (ELTE). He received the degree from TH Merseburg (Germany) in 1987 and CSc (1988) from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He got the degree of dr.habil. (2003) from ELTE. He held a research position in operations research at the Computer and Automation Institute in Hungary from 1973 to 1989. In 1989, he joined to the Department of Industrial Engineering, Bilkent University. He was with ELTE from 1993 to 2007. He served as director of the Institute of Mathematics 1 in 2004 and 2005. Since 2007, he has been a member of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University. He has interest integer programming, modeling, and humanitarian logistics. He was the supervisor of eight PhD theses and many MS theses. He is the author of 8 books (2 edited), 7 chapters in 7 different books, 96 papers in referred journals, 9 papers on issues of higher education, 30 papers in proceedings or CD’s, 83 reports and other non-referred scientific writings, 15 papers in popular science, 4 translations, 4 edited journal issues, 17 papers on the area of social science and journalism, and around 800 independent citations.

İlknur Şentürk
Department of Industrial Engineering