Seminar: “Integrated Precision Neurosciences,” Prof. Murat Digiçaylıoğlu, University of Texas, Room SBZ-14, Department of MBG, 1:30PM February 25 (EN)

Seminar: “Integrated Precision Neurosciences” by Murat Digicaylioglu, Professor of Neurosurgery and Physiology, Director of Research, University of Texas, Health Science Center in San Antonio

Thursday, February 25
Department of MBG, Room SBZ-14 @ 1:30 p.m.

Current scientific and medical challenges question the validity of classic distinction between basic and clinical research and demand for an inclusive and interdisciplinary approach by scientist with various backgrounds. Integrated Biomedical Research utilizes individual know-how of experts from various backgrounds and provides an interdisciplinary and synergistic platform for the efficient and rapid development of novel treatments, therapies and innovative diagnostic and monitoring tools for precision medicine in patient care. Focusing on Neuroscience, the novel concept of integrated biomedical sciences will be introduced and discussed. Furthermore, a training, mentoring and support mechanism for future biomedical scientists will be presented. Moreover, a neuroscience research framework will be proposed and the potential of international biomedical start-up’s evaluated.
Finally, as an example for the successful completion of biomedical pre-clinical studies and their translation into first-in-man clinical trials, a novel technique for targeted drug delivery will be introduced.

Murat Digicaylioglu is a Professor of Neurosurgery and Physiology at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio and the founder of Peria Inc, a biotech company. In his early work focused on neuroprotective cellular pathways in ischemic stroke and identified the combination of Erythropoietin and Insulin like growth factor I as a synergistic combination to combat neuronal cell death.
Continuing his studies on neurodegeneration he later focused on mild traumatic brain injury that affects the brain in humans after combat and civilian injuries. Mild brain traumas are called the silent epidemic since they are present in the brain in the absence of any external injuries and are undetectable with current diagnostic tools. He developed a testing kit for mild traumatic brain injuries. As part of his trauma research his work focused on tauopathies, which are common in brain traumas, Alzheimer disease and progressive nuclear palsy. He is currently working on utilizing tauopathies and their signatures as biomarkers for the early detection of associated neuropathies. In order to respond to the demand for new treatment options Dr. Digicaylioglu co-developed targeted drug delivery by nanoparticles in tumors and vascular deficiencies. As an academic educator and mentor he graduated over 30 neurosurgery resident, trained numerous colleagues in surgical techniques and mentored over 50 graduate and undergraduate student in life sciences. Recognizing the importance of training and mentoring of future generations of neuroscientist he developed concepts to integrate the research efforts of life scientist with various backgrounds into Biomedical Science focusing on Precision Medicine in Neurosciences. His research and training efforts were funded with over $13 Million dollars in grant support from NIH, American Heart Association, Department of Defense and more. He is a member of the Society for Neuroscience, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, German Association of Neurosurgeons, Turkish Association of Neurosurgeons, German Physiological Society and a fellow of American Heart Association.