Seminar: “Immigration and Trust in Politics in Europe,” Prof. Lauren McLaren, University of Glasgow, A-130, 3:40PM April 20 (EN)

Dear All,

The Bilkent University Seminar Series – Polity, Society and the World cordially invites you to the talk by Prof. Lauren McLaren (University of Glasgow) “Immigration and Trust in Politics in Europe”. The talk will take place on Wednesday, April 20 at 15:40 in A-130 (FEASS).


One of the defining features of modern states is their incorporation of notions of political and social community based on shared language, history, and myths, or national identity. Long-term immigration to Europe has brought public and legal conceptualizations of national identity under the spotlight, leading many individuals and policymakers to try to gain a firm grasp on what it means to be a ‘true’ country-national. Moreover, public opinion polls in many European countries indicate that immigration has been of public concern for some time. In this seminar, Professor Lauren McLaren discusses some of her recent research on the relationship between public concern about immigration, national identity and trust. Specifically, her research contends that public concern about immigration is undermining trust in national political institutions and elites in Europe; she also contends that some aspects of national identity may reduce political trust in the age of large-scale immigration.

Short bio:

Lauren McLaren is Professor of Comparative Politics and Head of Politics at the University of Glasgow in the United Kingdom. She is author of Immigration and Perceptions of National Political Systems in Europe (Oxford University Press, 2015), Identity, Interests, and Opposition to European Integration (London: Palgrave, 2006) and Constructing Democracy in Southern Europe: A Comparative Analysis of Democratic Consolidation in Italy, Spain and Turkey (London: Routledge, 2008, 2010). She has published articles on the topics of immigration and political trust as well as public opinion regarding European integration in journals such as World Politics, British Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, Social Forces, and Political Studies.