PSYC Seminar: “I spy with my little eye: What can individual differences tell us about perception?”, Benjamin de Haas, 12:30Noon November 9 (EN)

Please join Bilkent University’s Psychology Department on Thursday for the visit of Dr Benjamin de Haas.

Speaker: Benjamin de Haas, Justus-Liebig University Gießen
“I spy with my little eye: What can individual differences tell us about perception?”

Date: Thursday, 9 November 2023
Time: 12:30
Room: C Blok Amphitheatre

Perception is typically explored through the lens of ‘general’ psychology, which implies that individual differences are negligible or intractable. Here, I will present data from eye-tracking and neuroimaging experiments documenting clear and measurable differences between individuals observing the same scenes. I will argue that such data offer an objective window into subjective perception, which in turn enables novel tests of general biological mechanisms.

About the speaker:
Ben de Haas studied psychology at Justus-Liebig University Gießen (JLU) before moving to University College London (UCL). At UCL, Ben completed a PhD in neuroscience with Geraint Rees, as well as postdoctoral work with Sam Schwarzkopf and Marty Sereno. He specialised in functional MRI and developed a keen interest in individual perception. Returning to Gießen, Ben worked on individual eye movements with Karl Gegenfurtner, started an ERC funded research group and was recently appointed Professor for Experimental Psychology and Individual Perception. (