POLS Seminar: “The International Thought of Turkish Islamists: History, Civilisation and Nation”, Katerina Dalacoura, 12:30Noon October 5 (EN)

“The International Thought of Turkish Islamists: History, Civilisation and Nation”

Dr Katerina Dalacoura
Associate Professor in International Relations
Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellow (2021-24)
London School of Economics

Date and Room Info:
Thursday, October 5, 2023, 12:30 p.m.; A-130

Katerina Dalacoura will present her research project entitled ‘The International Thought of Turkish Islamists’, funded by a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship. The project engages with the idea of a ‘global International Relations’ by exploring Turkish Islamist thought in the Republican period. Drawing on insights from global intellectual history, it shows that Turkish Islamism evolved in conversation with philosophical and political debates and trends in both Western and Muslim settings. The study examines texts written by iconic and minor Islamist intellectuals, and the ideologies of religious associations and political organisations in Turkey that underpin them, to investigate three overlapping themes about ‘the international’: history and historiography; civilisation and culture; nation and state.

Katerina Dalacoure is an Associate Professor in International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She is currently working on an intellectual history of Turkish Islamic international thought, funded by a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship (three-year ‘buy-out’, 2021-24). She was British Academy Mid-Career Fellow in 2015-2016 and participated in a project on the ‘Middle East and North Africa Regional Architecture’, sponsored by the European Commission under the auspices of Horizon 2020 in 2016-19. Her research has centered on the intersection of Islamism and international human rights norms. She has worked on human rights, democracy and democracy promotion in the Middle East, particularly in the context of Western policies in the region. She has an ongoing interest in questions of secularity and secularization in the Middle East. In recent years, her research has focused on Turkish Islamism and she has also worked, in parallel, on Turkish foreign policy in the Middle East.