PHYS Seminar: “Quantum 2025: A Touch of Foundations”, Zafer Gedik, 3:30PM March 12, 2025 (EN)

Zafer Gedik
Sabancı University

Quantum 2025: A Touch of Foundations

Recent developments in quantum technologies, especially in quantum computation, have led to increasing interest in quantum science. On the other hand, there have been important results involving foundations of quantum mechanics. In this talk, we will mention some new observations related to hidden variables and contextuality. We will also discuss about possible connection between quantum computing and contextuality.
He graduated from Fen Lisesi in 1984. He received B.S. in Physics from Middle East Technical University in 1987. After M.S., he obtained Ph.D. in Physics from Bilkent University in 1992. He was visiting researcher at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Johns Hopkins University, National Institute of Standards and Technology in Maryland, and CNR Istituto di Cibernetica in Naples. He received The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Incentive Award, Institut de France, Academie des Sciences, Scientia Europaea Award, Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Education and Research Foundation, Research Incentive Award, and Turkish Academy of Sciences, Young Scientist Award. He is editorial board member of Nature Scientific Reports and Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology journals. He is the Turkish member of European Union Quantum Community Network. He works on quantum information theory, quantum computation, and quantum foundations. Since 2002, he has been faculty at Sabancı University.

Date: 12 March 2025, Wednesday
Time: 15:30
Place: SA-240

All interested are cordially invited.