ME Seminar: “Frontiers Research on Superlubricity: Recent Developments and Future Prospects”, Prof. Ali Erdemir, 5:30PM December 18 (EN)

Title: Frontiers Research on Superlubricity: Recent Developments and Future Prospects

Speaker: Prof. Ali Erdemir

Affiliation: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, TX, USA

Date: Friday December 18th
Time: 17:30

Friction and wear between moving mechanical assemblies collectively consume about a quarter of the world’s energy output and causes more than 8 Gigatons of CO2 emissions annually. With increasing mobility and industrial activity, there is no doubt that adverse impacts of friction and wear on energy and environmental sustainability will further intensify in coming years and thus contribute to future ecological and environmental disasters. In recent years, great strides have been made in further minimizing friction and wear, and thus achieving superlubricity (a sliding regime in which friction nearly vanishes). These developments are in part due to the recent advances in computational capabilities (including artificial intelligence, machine/deep learning algorithms, and data analytics) that can help predict the kinds of new materials or lubricant chemistries providing superlubricity. In this presentation, a comprehensive overview of what makes and breaks superlubricity in such materials and lubricants will be provided in relation to the many intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are in play. In light of the recent analytical, experimental and computational findings, an attempt will also be made to recap those fundamental mechanisms that are most responsible for superlubricity. In particular, recent mechanistic studies on highly ordered 2D materials (like graphene, MoS2, HBN, MXene, etc.) and diamondlike carbon coatings are highlighted in relation to their structural peculiarities and operating environments. Overall, these and other novel studies are leading the way for the design and development of next generation materials that can potentially vanish friction in future moving mechanical systems and hence save energy and protect the environment for a sustainable future.

Bio: Dr. Ali Erdemir is a Professor and Halliburton Chair in Engineering in the J. Mike Walker 66 Mechanical Engineering Department of Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees from Georgia Institute of Technology, in 1983 and 1986. respectively, and his B.S. degree from Istanbul Technical University in 1977. In recognition of his research accomplishments, Dr. Erdemir has received numerous coveted awards (including Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers’ (STLE) International Award, “American Society of Mechanical Engineers” (ASME) Mayo D. Hersey Award, the University of Chicago’s Medal of Distinguished Performance, six R&D 100 Awards, two Al Sonntag Awards and an Edmond E. Bisson Award from STLE) and such honors as being elected to the US National Academy of Engineering, the Presidency of the International Tribology Council and STLE. He is also a Fellow of AAAS, ASME, STLE, AVS, and ASM-International. He has authored/co-authored more than 300 research articles and 18 book/handbook chapters, co-edited four books, presented more than 200 invited/keynote/plenary talks, and holds 29 U.S. patents. His current research focuses on bridging scientific principles with engineering innovations towards the development of new materials, coatings, and lubricants for a broad range of cross-cutting applications in manufacturing, transportation and other energy conversion and utilization systems.