Title: A few tricks to make solids slippery
Speaker: Prof. David Quéré
Affiliation: ESPCI-Paris and Ecole Polytechnique, France
Date: Friday February 18th
Time: 13:30
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We discuss how solids can be made slippery for liquids, and more specifically for water drops. This situation of obvious practical interest (think about the numerous cases where we would like to avoid materials to be wet by a rain) also rises beautiful basic questions – and specifically, how to avoid that drops stick to their substrate? and how can we minimize the friction of these drops when they are mobile? We’ll try to answer these questions by considering three possibilities – highly-hydrophobic solids, hot substrates, and lubricated materials.
Bio: After his M.Sc. and one year in the French Navy (where he scrutinized the radioactive cloud of Chernobyl), David Quéré obtained a Ph.D. from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. He continued with a position at the Physics Labs at Collège de France (until 2006) and at the Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes at ESPCI (since). In 2006, he also became a Professor at École Polytechnique (Departments of Physics and Mechanics). He is engaged in experimental research in Soft Matter Physics and Fluid Mechanics, with a strong interest in interfacial hydrodynamics (drops, films, bubbles, coating, wicking) as well as in aerodynamics, morphogenesis and biomimetics, all topics on which he coworked with about 35 PhD students (the greatest chance in his scientific life). He is or was a scientific advisor at Saint-Gobain (Paris), Procter & Gamble (Cincinnati) and Nikon/Essilor (Tokyo), a coeditor at Europhysics Letters and an associate editor at Physical Review Fluids. He received the 2001 Ernest-Dechelle Prize of the Académie des Sciences (Paris), the 2014 Silver Medal of CNRS (France), and the 2021 Fluid Dynamics Prize from the APS.