LAW Seminar: “Laïcité as a Cornerstone of French Republicanism: the principle and its challenges”, Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez, 6:00PM October 24 (EN)

On the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye we would like to invite the Bilkent community to the talk of Prof.Dr. Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez.

Speaker: Prof.Dr. Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez, Université Paris Nanterre
“Laïcité as a Cornerstone of French Republicanism: the principle and its challenges”

Date: Tuesday, 24 October 2023
Time: 18:00
Place: Bilkent University Library, Art Gallery

GE250/251 : 10 Points.