You are kindly invited to follow LAUD TALKS: Fall 2021-2022 organized by the Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, FADA, Bilkent University. The talk will be in Turkish.
Speaker: Selin Çavdar Sert
Date & Place: November 2, 2021, Tuesday, 16.30-18.30 & FB309
Abstract: There are a substantial number of studies dealing with the establishment history and socio-spatial values of Atatürk Forest Farm. Atatürk Forest Farm, which is associated with the valuable memory and intellectual legacy of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and the social, cultural and spatial goals of the Republican Revolution, at the same time, it has been the main subject of a planning history that has originality at national and international levels. This presentation aims to describe Atatürk Forest Farm’s heritage values that have been shaped/transformed in the city of Ankara planning history and site-specific planning practices, and to reveal the undiscussed planning history by introducing archival materials and evaluating planning documents.
Biography: Selin Çavdar Sert received her master’s degree from METU Urban Design Program (2010) and her doctorate from METU City and Regional Planning Department (2017). She worked as a research assistant in the Department of City and Regional Planning at METU during her master’s and doctorate education. She worked at Gaziantep University Faculty of Architecture between 2017-2021. She started to work at OSTİM Technical University, Department of City and Regional Planning since 2021. Her academic interests are urban planning history & theory, landscape history & theory, heritage landscapes and site management, urban nature, infrastructural landscape, urban morphology & landscape morphology.