IAED Lecture: “Color in Architectural Context: Research, Practice and Education,” Dr. Sibel Ertez Ural, FFB-06, 12:50PM January 9 (EN)

“Color in Architectural Context: Research, Practice and Education”

Date: 09/01/2019 Wednesday
Time, Place: 12:50, FFB-06

Sibel Ertez Ural, PhD. is currently an instructor in the Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department at Bilkent University where she teaches Design Studio, Technical Drawing, Architectural Graphics, Lighting Design, and Color Theory and Applications. She has a Ph.D. from the Department of Architecture, Karadeniz Technical University for a thesis on “Color in Architecture: Effects of Color Dynamics on Coloring Artificial Environments”. In addition to her academic research studies and publications, she also provides consultancy for architectural/construction firms as a color designer. Her research interests include architectural color, color design process, spatial color, and color education.

Color is; light, a physical characteristic of an object, a chemical substance, a paint or a pigment but at the same time it is; a sensory event, a visual experience and a subjective sensation depending on the relations of light to the eye. While many disciplines approach color from different perspectives, architecture and design embraces both objective and subjective aspects of color. Architectural color requires its own body of literature, reconsidered within its context. Ural’s presentation introduces her works carried out as a part of this contextual framework and discusses their contribution to color research, practice and education.