“The Longue Durée of the Eastern Mediterranean: Byzantium, Venice and the Ottomans”
Friday 21 December C-Block Auditorium h. 9.30-16.30
h. 9.30 Welcome Speech:
David Thornton, Acting Chair- Department of History
h. 9.40-10.00
Key note address:
Sercan Yandım (Hacettepe University)
“Byzantine Studies Resurgent: Dynamics in the Twenty-first Century”
h. 10.00- 11.15
Panel I: Respondent Scott Kennedy (Bilkent University)
Hayriye Bilici (Hacettepe University), “The Seventh Ecumenical Council (787) and its aftermath in the West.”
Ege Bariş Kanik (Bilkent University), “The Early Christian monasticism in the eastern Mediterranean in Late Antiquity.”
Aysenur Mulla (Bilkent University), “A Holy Man in seventh-century Ankara: the life and deeds of Saint Theodore of Sykeon”
Bengin Eser Öztürk (Bilkent University), “Justice and Authority: the ideology of Imperial rule in Justinian’s dynasty.”
h. 11.15-11.30 Coffee Break
h. 11.30- 12.45
Panel II: Respondent Paul Latimer (Bilkent University)
Fevzi Burhan Ayaz (Bilkent University), “Reassessing the early Medieval Mediterranean: the case of Comacchio”
Batu Coskun (Bilkent University), “Charlemagne and Byzantium: Constantinople’s relations with the West
Mustafa Harun Güven (Bilkent University), “From Venice to Genoa: a shift in Byzantine naval alliance in thirteenth century Eastern Mediterranean”.
h. 12.45- 14.00 Lunch Break
h. 14.00-15.00
Panel III: Respondent Hasan Çolak (TOBB University of Economics and Technology)
Egemen Gürgen (Bilkent University), “Late Byzantium and Venice: political and economic relations at the sunset of the Empire”
Aylin Kahraman (Bilkent University), “The commercial relations between Venice and the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century”
Nida Nebahat Nalçacı (Bilkent University), “Captivity in the privilege texts granted by the Ottomans to the Venetians”
h. 15.00-15.20 Coffee Break
h. 15.20- 16.20
Panel IV: Respondent Nathan Leidholm (Bilkent University)
Lorenzo Gravina (Bilkent University), “Indistinguishable from magic: automata in the Byzantine Empire”
Fermude Gülsevinç (Hacettepe University), “The Age of Persecutions and its impacts on the Early Christianity”
Onat Özder (Bilkent University), “The Byzantine Army: from the time of Justinian I to Leo III (527-730 CE).”