Bilkent Cinematics /Film Screening: “Persona,” Ingmar Bergman, FFB-22, 6:30PM March 3 (EN)

“If I had to pick one film to exemplify the cinematic 1960s,” says New Yorker film critic Richard Brody, “it would be Persona.” Susan Sontag once maintained that it was simply the greatest movie of all time.

On Thursday, March 03, 6.30 p.m., in FFB-22, Bilkent Cinematics presents Ingmar Bergman’s iconic, troubling, widely imitated 1966 film Persona. The story of the relationship between a psychologically damaged actor (Liv Ullmann) and her nurse (Bibi Andersson), the movie also employs revolutionary cinematic techniques that are still being discussed and debated today. Indeed, this film marks yet another crucial collaboration between Bergman and famed cinematographer Sven Nykvist, who many believe is responsible, in Persona, for changing the way close-ups are presented in movies.

Bilkent Cinematics invites everyone to join them for this event. As always, snacks and prizes will be offered, and lively debate will follow!

For more information, please contact Hossein Dabir at and visit the Cinematics Facebook page: