Film Screening and Talk: “Hidden (Vesarti),” Ali Kemal Çınar, FB-309, 5:40PM April 24 (EN)


Hidden (Vesarti)
Ali Kemal Cinar, Kurdish with English subtitles, 70 mins

Filmmaker Ali Kemal Çınar will be present and answer questions after the screenings.

“A magical film of realism playing with gender theory and traditions.”
Winner of ‘!f Inspired International Film Competition’, 2016

Ali Kemal and Berfin are a couple living an ordinary life while waiting for their wedding day. After a surprise visit from an unknown woman to Ali Kemal’s shop, they find themselves awaiting a magical metamorphosis that will lead to his sex change. An exploration of bold realities of gender, identity and tradition.

April 24th, Monday | 17:40 | FB-309
GE250/1 10 Points

Co-organized by COMD, Think Colorful & American Culture Society