FA Workshop: “Lithography Workshop”, Doğu Gündoğdu, Hayri Şengün, 3:30PM March 18 2024 (EN)

The Department of Fine Arts is pleased to invite Bilkent students, faculty, and friends to a talk by Master Printer Doğu Gündoğdu and artist Hayri Şengün following the departments “Lithography Workshop”:

Date & Time: 18/03/2024 Monday at 15:30
Place: FCZ 13

The technique of lithography was invented in 1798 by Alois Senelder of Munich. Greek lithos: “stone”, is a flat surface printing (planographic printing) process utilizing the immiscibility of oil and water. In this method, after the image on the flat printing plate (cliché) is oiled, the plate is wetted: the damp areas do not absorb the applied ink, so they come out blank during printing. The plate can be printed directly on paper by means of a special press (in art planes) or it can be printed on rubber cylinders (in commercial products) and transferred from there to paper.

Doğu Gündoğdu was born on January 13, 1992 in Ankara. In 2014, he graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Graphics with first place. In 2017, he graduated from Hacettepe University Institute of Fine Arts, Department of Graphic Arts Master’s Program by completing his thesis on “The Book as an Art Object and Designing an Artist Book Using Alternative Photography Techniques”. In 2022, he graduated from Hacettepe University Institute of Fine Arts, Department of Graphic Arts, Proficiency in Art Program by completing his thesis titled Collaborative Print Studio and Hybrid Artwork Production in the Post-Digital Age. He is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Atılım University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Graphic Design. In 2019 he founded Dou Printstudio in Ankara, Turkey’s only independent and collaborative lithography studio, which he is still running.

Hayri Şengün was born on April 26, 1992 in Ankara. He is a sculptor working in various materials and media. He graduated from Bilkent University, Department of Fine Arts. He received his master’s degree from the Media and Design program of the same university. In his thesis, he focused on the critique of eyecentrism and tactility. In addition to sculpture, he also produces engravings and ceramics and continues his works in his studio.