Documentary Film Screening: “The Wolfpack,” Crystal Moselle (2015), FFB-05, 5:45PM April 25 (EN)

Perhaps no film genre approaches its subject with as much curiosity as does the documentary. Join us this spring for four documentaries of varying styles and subjects. Each screening will open with a brief introduction and an informal discussion will follow. All are welcome!

This Tuesday, April 25 at 17.45 in FFB 05

The Wolfpack
(Crystal Moselle/2015/1h30min), Introduction by Kitty Aal (Independent Film Scholar)

“If I didn’t have movies, my life would be pretty boring,” says one of seven siblings (aged 16-23) who’ve spent most of their lives watching films in their Lower East Side apartment. Sometimes they went out nine times in one year… one year they didn’t go out at all. The six long-haired brothers, their sister, and mother, live under the rule of the patriarchal father. He holds the key to outside world, literally. Director Crystal Moselle, with privileged access, filmed the siblings as they recreated scenes from their favourite movies like Reservoir Dogs and The Dark Knight – complete with elaborate homemade props and costumes – and reveals their gradual emergence into the open.