COMD Seminar: “Why the storyteller has the hottest job”, Uwe Walter, 7:00PM October 18 (EN)

COMD Talks – Why the storyteller has the hottest job / Department of Communication and Design

Why the storyteller has the hottest job

What does a storyteller, a storytelling coach actually do? I am asked this question every day. I want to tell you about it in this lecture, because not only are there exciting assignments, but storytelling is not just a method or a set of rules, but has long been a philosophy in its own right. Seeing the world through the eyes of the storyteller opens up completely new perspectives on work, politics and one’s own life. After my description of storytelling and the telling of case studies, I will open the round so that you as aspiring storytellers can contribute your questions, thoughts and ideas. I look forward to your desire to touch and inspire the world with your contributions.

Uwe Walter loves it when media such as film, television, radio, social media as well as business enterprises and politics engage in moving, sustainable and wide-reaching storytelling. After studying at the Munich Film University, he noticed that there was a lack of good textbooks in Germany on screenwriting, directing, acting and producing. So he started publishing the best American textbooks in Germany. As a director of crime films for television, he was soon asked if he could bring his knowledge from Hollywood to the German media world. This led to an exciting consulting business alongside his directing work, where he now teaches fascinating content and programmes in media and industrial companies. His clients are among the best media and brands.
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Date: October 18th
Time: 19:00

This is an online seminar. To obtain event details please send a massage to department.