COMD Seminar: “AI and Dramatic Storytelling”, Dr. Kerstin Stutterheim, 12:30Noon May 11 (EN)

The Department of Communication and Design is pleased to invite Bilkent students, faculty and friends to a round table lunch time discussion Thursday on AI AND DRAMATIC STORYTELLING with Professor Dr. Kerstin Stutterheim, Head of Research at School of Arts and Creative Industries and Professor in Creative Practice Edinburgh Napier University, and Professor Martin Thau, Screenwriters Workshop University of Television and Film Munich, moderated by Siegmar Warnecke, film director and story board artist.

Bilkent Meeting Room 160 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: No Drama in AI / COMD
Time: May 11, 2023 12:30 PM Istanbul

This is an online event. To obtain event details please send a message to department.