İ.D. Bilkent University, Department of Communication and Design cordially invites you to mark its 20th anniversary with a gala celebration at FFB 006 on Saturday, December 15th at 15:00.
We look forward to your participation.
12.12.2018, Wednesday
12:45-13:15, Lunch Time Shorts – PASO Selection 1 (FFB 006) GE250/ 10
13.12.2018, Thursday
12:45-13:15, Lunch Time Shorts – COMD Selection 2 (FFB 22) GE250/ 10
17:40-18:20, Shorts from the Archive (Media Archeology Lab) – PASO Selection 3 (FFB 011) GE250/ 10
14.12.2018, Friday
12:45-13:15, Lunch Time Shorts – COMD Selection 1 (FFB 006) GE250/ 10
14:00-14:30, Keynote speech by Murat Yetkin: “20 Yılda Nereden Nereye?” (FFB 006) GE250/ 10
14:30-14:45, Q&A
14:45-15:00, Coffee Break
15:00-17:00, Panel: “COMD’dan Sonra Hayat”, Moderated by Lale Şıvgın Dündar and Miray Akdağ, GE250/ 10
17:00-17:30, Q&A
18:00-19:30, Shorts form the Archive (Media Archeology Lab) – PASO Selection 2 & 4 (FFB 005) GE250/ 10
15.12.2018, Saturday
14:30, COMD & BITS Open Doors
15:00, Ceremony with Protocol (FFB 005-FFB 006)
16:00, Cake & Coffee Break
20:00, COMD Alumni Party @ GAGA Manjero