Colloquia: “III – Nitride LEDs for Lighting: Opportunities and Challenges,” Ümit Özgür, Virginia Commonwealth University, EE-01, 3:40PM September 16 (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students,

You are kindly invited to follow the series of colloquia organized by the Department of Physics, Bilkent University.

The 1st talk of this term will be presented by Ümit Özgür — Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA USA.

The title of his talk is “III – Nitride LEDs for Lighting: Opportunities and Challenges”

Date: Wednesday September 16, 2015
Time: 3:40 p.m.
Place: EE-01 (EEE Dept Blg. Ground floor)

**More detailed information regarding the colloquia can be reached from the web site of the Physics Department :