
CTIS Activity: “CTIS Awards 2022”, 2:00PM June 3 (EN)

You are all cordially invited to “CTIS Awards 2022”, the Annual Award Ceremony organized by the Department of Information Systems and Technologies. “CTIS Awards 2022” will be held on June 3, 2022, Friday between 14:00-15:00 over Zoom. You can reach the details on the following pages; http://www.ctis.bilkent.edu.tr/anns/uploads/CTISawards2022.jpg and http://www.ctis.bilkent.edu.tr/ctis_news.php

Library Seminar: “Reaxys online training: How to improve R&D productivity with Reaxys?”, 12:30Noon May 26 (EN)

Bilkent University Library invites you to attend the Reaxys online training! Title: Reaxys online training: How to improve R&D productivity with Reaxys? Date: May 26, Thursday 2022 Time: 12:30 PM Istanbul Language: English Registration Link: https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_66L_Ac3nR1qvGdldTuQWsg Reaxys is a web-based system for searching the collection of organic and inorganic chemistry, […]

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IE Seminar: “Behavioral Implications of Bilateral Relationships on Supply Chain Contracting”, Alper Nakkas, 2:00PM May 23 (EN)

Speaker: Alper Nakkas, University of Texas at Arlington Date & Time: May 23, 2022, Monday 14:00 Place: EA-409 Title: Behavioral Implications of Bilateral Relationships on Supply Chain Contracting Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of bilateral relationships on procurement and competition incentives in a supply chain environment from a behavioral […]

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