
CHEM Seminar: “Role Of Silica In The Self-assembly Of Salt-surfactant Mesophases And Synthesis Of Mesoporous Metal Oxides”, Najeeb Ullah, 10:00AM July 19 (EN)

“ROLE OF SILICA IN THE SELF-ASSEMBLY OF SALT-SURFACTANT MESOPHASES AND SYNTHESIS OF MESOPOROUS METAL OXIDES” By Najeeb Ullah Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ömer Dağ Bilkent University, Department of Chemistry Date: 19.07.2023 Time: 10.00 Place: Chemistry Meeting Room All attenders are cordially invited. Abstract In recent years, mesoporous metal oxides have attracted […]

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IE Seminar: “A Replenishment Policy for Perishables with Cold Chain Transportation and Lead Time Reduction Options”, Atahan Bayır, 10:00AM July 26 (EN)

TITLE: A Replenishment Policy for Perishables with Cold Chain Transportation and Lead Time Reduction Options by Atahan Bayır, M.S. in Industrial Engineering Advisor: Professor Ülkü Gürler Date & Time: July 26, 2023 Wednesday at 10:00 Place: EA – 409 ABSTRACT: Perishability relates to products that have limited shelf life and […]

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IE Seminar: “Appointment, Advance and Combined Scheduling”, Mehmet A. Begen, 3:30PM July 26 (EN)

Title : Appointment, Advance and Combined Scheduling Speaker: Mehmet A. Begen, PhD Associate Professor, Ivey Business School, Western University, London ON Canada http://www.ivey.uwo.ca/faculty/mbegen/ Seminar will be held on July 26th (Wednesday) between 15:30-16:30 at room EA-409 (Rektörlük building, 4th floor). Abstract: Appointment scheduling involves scheduling of given jobs (e.g., surgeries, […]

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CS Seminar: “Whole Genome Alignment via Alternating Lyndon Tree Factorization”, Mahmud Sami Aydın, 10:30AM July 6 (EN)

Whole Genome Alignment via Alternating Lyndon Tree Factorization Mahmud Sami Aydın Master Student (Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Can Alkan) Computer Engineering Department Bilkent University Abstract: The Whole Genome Alignment Problem (WGA) is an important challenge in the field of genomics, especially in the context of pangenome construction. Here we propose a novel indexing […]

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