
MATH Seminar: “Convergence of resistances on generalized Sierpinski carpets”, Shiping Cao, 7:00PM October 25 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Analysis Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Shiping Cao (University of Washington) “Convergence of resistances on generalized Sierpinski carpets” Abstract: The locally symmetric diffusions, also known as Brownian motions, on generalized Sierpinski carpets were constructed by Barlow and Bass in 1989. On […]

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MATH Seminar: “Homotopical characterization of strong contextuality (part II)”, Aziz Kharoof, 1:30PM October 2 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Topology Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Aziz Kharoof (Bilkent University) “Homotopical characterization of strong contextuality (part II)” Abstract: Simplicial distributions introduced in the paper “Simplicial quantum contextuality” provide a topological approach to the study of contextuality for collections of probability distributions. […]

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CHEM Seminar: “Acid-Salt-Surfactant Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Mesophases: Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical Properties of Mesoporous M2P2=7 And M2-xM’xP2O7 (M And M’= MN(II), CO(Ii) and NI(II)) Powders and Films”, Işıl Ulu, 10:30AM October 3 (EN)

“ACID-SALT-SURFACTANT LYOTROPIC LIQUID CRYSTALLINE MESOPHASES: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION, AND ELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF MESOPOROUS M2P2O7 AND M2-xM’xP2O7 (M AND M’= MN(II), CO(II) AND NI(II)) POWDERS AND FILMS” By: Işıl Ulu Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ömer Dağ Bilkent University, Department of Chemistry Date: 03.10.2023 Time: 10:30 Place: Chemistry Meeting Room (SB Building) All are […]

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MATH Seminar: “Partially Positive Semidefinite Maps on *-Semigroupoids”, Aurelian Gheondea, 1:45PM October 4 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Analysis Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Aurelian Gheondea (Bilkent) “Partially Positive Semidefinite Maps on *-Semigroupoids.” Abstract: Motivated by Cuntz-Krieger-Toeplitz systems associated with undirected graphs and representations of groupoids, we obtain a generalization of the Sz-Nagy’s Dilation Theorem for operator-valued partially positive […]

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PHYS Seminar: “Beyond Borders in the Second Quantum Revolution: Quantum Thermodynamics”, Onur Pusuluk, 3:30PM October 4 (EN)

Dr. Onur Pusuluk Koç University, İstanbul “Beyond Borders in the Second Quantum Revolution: Quantum Thermodynamics” Humanity witnessed the remarkable rise of quantum mechanics during the 20th century, igniting a scientific and technological revolution. We are now on the verge of a second quantum revolution driven by quantum information science. Quantum […]

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POLS Seminar: “The International Thought of Turkish Islamists: History, Civilisation and Nation”, Katerina Dalacoura, 12:30Noon October 5 (EN)

Talk: “The International Thought of Turkish Islamists: History, Civilisation and Nation” by Dr Katerina Dalacoura Associate Professor in International Relations Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellow (2021-24) London School of Economics K.Dalacoura@lse.ac.uk Date and Room Info: Thursday, October 5, 2023, 12:30 p.m.; A-130 Abstract: Katerina Dalacoura will present her research project […]

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ELIT Seminar: “Thinking with Poetry”, Anna Cristina Ribeiro, 5:30PM October 5 (EN)

The Department of English Language and Literature invites you to a public talk by Professor Anna Cristina Ribeiro (Texas Tech University). The event will be held on Zoom. Title: “Thinking with Poetry” Date and time: Thursday 5 October, 17:30 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/9505380471?pwd=NEhLVnhxQW93d3U2dGp4U0VQK0UxQT09 Meeting ID: 950 538 0471 Passcode: 633717 […]

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IE Seminar: “Generalized Certainty Equivalents, Risk-Sensitivity and Climate Economics”, Arnab Basu, 1:00PM October 6 (EN)

Title: Generalized Certainty Equivalents, Risk-Sensitivity and Climate Economics by Arnab Basu Date & Time: 6/ 10/ 2023 Friday at 13:30-15:00 Place: EA-409 Abstract: In this talk, we discuss the speaker’s novel contributions to the analysis of generalized certainty equivalents from a risk-sensitive perspective with applications to control of climate damages. […]

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