
IR Seminar: “Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Türk Dış Politikası: Bir Muhasebe ve Gelecek”, 1:00PM October 9 (TR)

“Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında Türk Dış Politikası: Bir Muhasebe ve Gelecek” Tarih / Saat: 9 Ekim 2023, Pazartesi, 13:00 Yer: C Blok Amfi GE 250 puanı mevcuttur. Seminer dili Türkçe’dir. Program 13:00-13:15 Kayıt, tanışma 13:15-13:30 Açılış Konuşmaları Rektör Kürşat Aydoğan, Dekan Refet Gürkaynak, Büyükelçi (E) Fatih Ceylan 13:30-15:00 Son Dönem Türk […]

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CS Seminar: “Balancing Efficiency vs. Effectiveness and Providing Missing Label Robustness in Multi-Label Stream Classification”, Sepehr Bakhshi, 3:30PM October 9 (EN)

CS590/690 SEMINAR Balancing Efficiency vs. Effectiveness and Providing Missing Label Robustness in Multi-Label Stream Classification Sepehr Bakhshi Ph.D Student (Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Fazlı Can ) Computer Engineering Department Bilkent University Abstract: Available works addressing multi-label classification in a data stream environment focus on proposing accurate models; however, these models often exhibit […]

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CS Seminar: “A Neural Network’s Insight into Predicting Trending Articles in News Streams”, Pouya Ghahramanian, 3:50PM October 9 (EN)

CS590/690 SEMINAR A Neural Network’s Insight into Predicting Trending Articles in News Streams Pouya Ghahramanian Ph.D Student (Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Fazlı Can ) Computer Engineering Department Bilkent University Abstract: In this research, we have two primary objectives. First, we detail our methodology for compiling a comprehensive dataset, comprised of articles and […]

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