
CTIS Seminar: “Secure and privacy-preserving IoT gateway for home automation systems”, Simge Karakış, 7:30PM November 29 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Seminar organized by the Department of Information Systems and Technologies (CTIS). Title: Secure and privacy-preserving IoT gateway for home automation systems Presenter: Simge Karakış, Software Design Engineer & Scrum Master, Orion Innovation. Abstract: Lately, the Internet of Things has been a popular research area […]

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IE Seminar: “Designing Layouts for Sequential Experiences: Application to Cultural Institutions”, Ali Aouad, 1:30PM November 10 (EN)

Designing Layouts for Sequential Experiences: Application to Cultural Institutions Speaker: Ali Aouad (London Business School) Date: 10/11/2023, Friday Time : 13:30-14:30 This is an online seminar. To obtain event detail please send a message to department. Abstract: A fundamental issue faced by experience providers—ranging from retailing to culture—is to display […]

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MATH Seminar: “Quivers and curves in higher dimensions”, Nurömür Hülya Argüz, 3:40PM November 10 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry Seminar. Speaker: Nurömür Hülya Argüz (Georgia) “Quivers and curves in higher dimensions” Abstract: Quiver Donaldson-Thomas invariants are integers determined by the geometry of moduli spaces of quiver representations. I will describe a correspondence between quiver Donaldson-Thomas invariants and Gromov-Witten counts of […]

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BSO Concert: “Atatürk Anısına”, Bilkent Concert Hall, 8:00PM November 11

11 November 2023, 20.00 | Bilkent Concert Hall In Memory of Atatürk Can Okan, conductor Lucas & Arthur Jussen, piano E. Elgar | Elegy, Op.58 F. Say | Phoenix (Concerto for Piano 4 Hands and Orchestra) J. Sibelius | Symphony No.2, Op.43 For tickets: https://ticket.bilkent.edu.tr/ Tel: 03122901775 http://bso.bilkent.edu.tr https://www.facebook.com/BilkentSymphonyOrchestra/ https://www.instagram.com/bilkentsymphony/?hl=tr

MATH Seminar: “Isometric Bipositive Representations Of Calibrated Ordered Spaces II”, Serdar Ay, 1:45PM November 8 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Analysis Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Serdar Ay (Atılım Üniversitesi) “ISOMETRIC BIPOSITIVE REPRESENTATIONS OF CALIBRATED ORDERED SPACES II” Abstract: This is a continuation of the previous week’s talk. We continue discussing characterizations of isometric bipositive representability of calibrated ordered spaces on […]

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PHYS Seminar: “Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride and Their Applications in Quantum Technologies”, Serkan Ateş, 3:30PM November 8 (EN)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan Ateş Izmir Institute of Technology, İzmir “Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride and Their Applications in Quantum Technologies” Abstract Single photon sources play a crucial role in various applications within the realm of quantum information technologies. Over the recent years, there has been significant interest in […]

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LAUD Seminar: “Transforming Landscape: Multi-Scalar and Multi-Temporal Dimensions of Urban Design”, Gizem Karabay Can, 12:30Noon November 9 (EN)

Speaker: Gizem Karabay Can Date: 09/11/2023 Thursday Time: 12:30 Place: FB 309 Title: Transforming Landscape: Multi-Scalar and Multi-Temporal Dimensions of Urban Design Abstract: This presentation aims to cover the place – scale – temporality relationships in urban design, as observed within professional practices. These practical experiences shed light on the […]

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