
BSO Concert: “In Memory of Ersin Onay”, Bilkent Concert Hall, 8:00PM December 2

2 December 2023, 20.00 | Bilkent Concert Hall In Memory of Ersin Onay Matthew Coorey, conductor Gary Hoffman, violoncello M. Özkan | Intermezzo for Orchestra A. Dvořák | Violoncello Concerto, Op.104 J. Brahms | Symphony No.4, Op.98 For tickets: https://ticket.bilkent.edu.tr/ Tel: 03122901775 http://bso.bilkent.edu.tr https://www.facebook.com/BilkentSymphonyOrchestra/ https://www.instagram.com/bilkentsymphony/?hl=tr

LAW Seminar: “Kadın Hukukçular Cumhuriyet’in Yüzüncü Yılındaki Kazanımları ve Güncel Sorunları Tartışıyor”, 09:00AM December 4 (TR)

Bilkent Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi, İnsan Hakları Çalışmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (BİHM) ve Ankara Barosu işbirliğiyle düzenlenen “Kadın Hukukçular Cumhuriyet’in Yüzüncü Yılındaki Kazanımları ve Güncel Sorunları Tartışıyor” konulu panel programı aşağıda yer almaktadır. KADIN HUKUKÇULAR CUMHURİYET’İN YÜZÜNCÜ YILINDAKİ KAZANIMLARI VE GÜNCEL SORUNLARI TARTIŞIYOR 4 ARALIK 2023 TBB AV. ÖZDEMİR ÖZOK […]

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UNAM Seminar: “Beyin, Müzik, Spin Camı Kaosu ve Süngeri: Lise ve Lisans Öğrencilerine Yüksek Etkili Makale Bastırtmak”, A. Nihat Berker, 11:00AM December 4 (TR)

You are cordially invited to UNAM Nanocolloquium seminars focusing on advancements in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The seminars bring us the most recent developments in these exciting fields. This week’s talk will be presented by Prof. A. Nihat Berker (Kadir Has University). This event will be held in […]

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IR Seminar: “Troop-providers’ ideational commitment to UN peacekeeping and effectiveness”, Burak Giray, 12:30Noon December 4 (EN)

Burak Giray Hertie School Title: “Troop-providers’ ideational commitment to UN peacekeeping and effectiveness” Date: Monday, December 4th, 12.30 Place: A-130 Abstract: Countries contribute to United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations for a variety of reasons. That diversion of interest affects how the operations’ mandates are fulfilled. While some troop-providers align with […]

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PSYC Seminar: “Navigating Social Cohesion in the Arab Region: From Conceptualization to Innovative Applications”, Charles Harb, 12:30Noon November 30 (EN)

Please join Bilkent University’s Psychology Department on Thursday for the virtual visit of Prof. Charles Harb. Speaker: Charles Harb, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies “Navigating Social Cohesion in the Arab Region: From Conceptualization to Innovative Applications” Date: Thursday, 30 November 2023 Time: 12:30 This is an online seminar. To obtain […]

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ECON Seminar: “Edebiyattaki İktisat II: C. Dickens, J. R. Dos Passos, ve S. King’in Ortak Noktaları Olabilir mi?”, Çınla Akdere, 5:30PM November 30 (TR)

HERKES İÇİN EDEBİYATTAKİ İKTİSAT SEMİNERLERİ* “Edebiyattaki İktisat II: C. Dickens, J. R. Dos Passos, ve S. King’in Ortak Noktaları Olabilir mi?” Doç. Dr. Çınla Akdere Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi 30 Kasım 2023, Perşembe, 17:30 Yer: A 130 *Edebiyattaki iktisat ile ilgili düşünmek ve konuşmak isteyen herkes için.

COMD Seminar: “Next-gen Journalism, Digital Publishing, Interview Techniques, and Creative Content Production in the Digital Age”, Ali Tufan Koç, 12:30Noon December 1 (TR)

A talk and workshop with Ali Tufan Koç focusing on ‘next-gen journalism, digital publishing, interview techniques, and creative content production in the digital age,’ taking place on December 1st, Friday, at FFB-22, at 12:30 *The talk and the workshop will be in Turkish. “Ali Tufan Koç served in the establishment […]

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