
Seminar: “The Social Life of Bits, Genes and Machines: on Teaching STS & Engineering,” Dr. Eric Deibel, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, EA-409, 10:40AM June 27 (EN)

SEMINAR: “The Social Life of Bits, Genes and Machines: on Teaching STS & Engineering” by Dr. Eric Deibel, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam 27 June 2016 Monday at 10:40 EA-409, Bilkent University The seminar will discuss two interrelated topics. Firstly I will discuss science and technology studies (STS) and its contribution to […]

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Seminar: The Role of Waiting List Information in Liver Transplant Decision Making,” Burhaneddin Sandıkçı, University of Chicago, EA-409, 1:40PM June 21 (EN)

Seminar: The role of waiting list information in liver transplant decision making by Burhaneddin Sandıkçı, University of Chicago Booth School of Business June 21, 2016, Tuesday 13:40 EA-409 Abstract: In the United States, patients in need of a liver transplant receive deceased-donor organ offers through joining a waiting list. Accepting […]

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Distinguished Teacher of the Year Awards for 2016

Assoc. Prof. Ilker Aytürk, Instructor Marlene Denice Elwell, and Prof. Bülent Özgüler were chosen for demonstrating outstanding teaching abilities and for contributing to students’ academic and intellectual development. Please see: https://w3.bilkent.edu.tr/bilkent/bilkent-distinguished-teaching-awards-2016-recipients/

FAE Colloquia Series: Writing Matters, G-160, 1PM-2:30PM June 8 (EN)

We are pleased to invite you to the final session of the FAE Writing Colloquia: Writing Matters, Wednesday 8 June, 1300-1430 in G160. Throughout the academic year, FAE has hosted a brief talk given by a student, instructor, professor or member of the community on writing (and more specifically, writing […]

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BSO: “Fazıl Say & Carmina Burana,” Bilkent Odeon, 8:30PM June 4

Fazıl Say & Carmina Burana Saturday, 4 June 2016, 20.30 | Bilkent Odeon Bilkent Symphony Orchestra İbrahim Yazıcı, conductor Fazıl Say, piano Burcu Uyar, soprano Güvenç Dağüstün, contrtenor-baritone Nazım Hikmet Chorus Fazıl Say | “Bells” for Piano, Chorus and Percussion (Turkish premiere) Piano: Fazıl Say | Nazım Hikmet Chorus Percussion: […]

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TÜBİTAK R&D Project Supports Training

Bilkent TTO will organize TÜBİTAK R&D Project Supports training for academicians on 30th of June, 2016 Thursday between 9:30 – 12:30. The training will be held at Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences building, A130 Seminar Room. Agenda … Training will focus on TUBITAK national and international R&D funds, […]

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