
Talk: “The Disciplines of Boundaries and the Boundaries of Disciplines: (International) Politics, (International) Law and the Use of (Inter-)Disciplinarity,” Filipe dos Reis (University of Erfurt, Germany), A-130, 12:30PM March 7 (EN)

Talk: “The Disciplines of Boundaries and the Boundaries of Disciplines: (International) Politics, (International) Law and the Use of (Inter-)Disciplinarity” by Filipe dos Reis University of Erfurt, Germany 12.30 p.m., Tuesday, 07 March 2017 A-130, FEASS Building Abstract: This talk aims to reconstruct the limits, possibilities and politics of interdisciplinary research. […]

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Talk: “History of Psychoanalysis,” Dr. Mutluhan İzmir, A-130, 12:30-1:30PM March 8 (TR)

Psychology Colloquium Series Talks: History of Psychoanalysis by Dr. Mutluhan İzmir (talk will be in Turkish) Bu söyleşide psikanalizin tarihi, nasıl ortaya çıkmış olduğu ve nasıl bir gelişim sergilediğini anlatmaya çalışacağım. Ayrıca bilinçdışı nedir, bilinçaltı terimi doğru mu ve bilinçdışı ile ilgili psikanalizin bakış açısı nasıl bir gelişim göstermiş, bu […]

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BSO: “Paris, Mon Amour,” Bilkent Concert Hall, 8PM March 11

Paris, Mon Amour Saturday, 11 March 2017 Bilkent Concert Hall Bilkent Symphony Orchestra Christoph Mathias Mueller, conductor David Kadouch, piano Saygun Philharmonic Chorus Çiğdem Aytepe, chorusmaster M. Ravel | Piano Concerto for left Hand in D major M. Ravel | Piano Concerto in G major C. Debussy | Nocturnes For […]

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Seminar: “Tailoring Graphene Electronic, Chemical and Mechanical Properties: Interaction with Metals, Moire Patterns and the Role of Defects,” Prof. Ruben Perez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), UNAM Conference Room, 3:40PM March 10 (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students, You are cordially invited to UNAM Nanocolloquium seminars focusing on advancements in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The seminars bring us the most recent developments in these exciting fields. The second talk of this spring term will be presented by Prof. Ruben Perez* Title: Tailoring […]

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