
Seminar: “CHEMISTRY 4.0-Expectations and Opportunities,” Özgür Birer, PhD, (ASELSAN- Radar and Electronic Warfare Business Sector), Seminar Room No: Z-14, 12:40PM September 26 (EN)

CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT SEMINAR CHEMISTRY 4.0-Expectations and Opportunities Özgür Birer, Ph. D. ASELSAN- Radar and Electronic Warfare Business Sector Abstract: We are at the brink of a new industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 can be described as the wireless communication and automation of all the equipment responsible for manufacturing. Naturally, the changes […]

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Managerial Change in the Dormitories Administration

Mr. Zeki Samatyalı, who has been serving as a Dormitory Manager since 2006 has decided to retire as of August 31, 2017. Mr. Ahmet Tevfik Hamamcı who has worked for 20 years in Hospitality Industry as a Director, appointed as the Director of Student Housing as of December 1, 2017. […]

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Penalties for Violation of Traffic Rules and Regulations

2.2.1. Students who have exceeded 16 points due to violation of traffic rules during their studies at University and other drivers on campus who have exceeded 16 points at any given time (irrespective of a time period) are suspended from driving on campus for three months (summer and semester breaks […]

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Talk: “Does the Accommodation of Ethnic Demands Lead to Ethnic Moderation or Escalation,” Dr. Zeki Sarigil, A-130, 12:30PM September 20 (EN)

Talk: “Does the Accommodation of Ethnic Demands Lead to Ethnic Moderation or Escalation” by Dr. Zeki Sarigil, Department of Political Science Wednesday, September 20, 2017, 12:30 p.m. FEASS Building, A-130 Abstract: Many studies argue that accommodative policies by the state would lead to ethnic moderation and so facilitate ethnic conflict […]

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Registration for Sports Courses

Registration for Fall 2017 Sports Courses Registration for Fall 2017 sports courses will be at the all sports halls. Courses will begin on Monday September 25, 2017. The Physical Education and Sports Center invites everyone to be involved. For more info: www.spor.bilkent.edu.tr / spor@bilkent.edu.tr PESC Management

Seminar: “The Distribution of Identity in International Politics and Hegemonic Transition,” Prof. Ted Hopf (National University of Singapore), A Building Room: 130, 3:30PM September 19 (EN)

CENTER FOR FOREIGN POLICY AND PEACE RESEARCH SENIOR SCHOLAR SERIES: “The Distribution of Identity in International Politics and Hegemonic Transition” PROF. TED HOPF National University of Singapore 19 September, Tuesday at 15:30 Bilkent University Main Campus, A Building, Room: 130 “Existing theories predict that the rise of China will trigger […]

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MSN MSc Thesis Defense: “Affinity of Glycopeptide Nanofibers to Growth Factors and Their Effects on Cells,” Nurcan Haştar, SA-240, 11AM September 20 (EN)

MATERIALS SCIENCE and NANOTECHNOLOGY GRADUATE PROGRAM M.Sc. Thesis Defense by Nurcan HAŞTAR “AFFINITY OF GLYCOPEPTIDE NANOFIBERS TO GROWTH FACTORS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON CELLS” Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Michelle Marie Adams Co-Advisor: Dr. Ayşe Begüm Tekinay Date: 20.09.2017 (Wednesday) Time: 11:00 Place: SA-240 — UNAM Annual Report: http://unam.bilkent.edu.tr/docs/UNAM_AR2016.pdf ____________________________________________________________ UNAM – […]

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PhD Dissertation: “Linear Planning Logic And Linear Logic Graph Planner: Domain Independent Task Planners Based On Linear Logic,” Sitar Kortik (CS), EA-516, 10AM September 15 (EN)

Ph.D DISSERTATION: Linear Planning Logic And Linear Logic Graph Planner: Domain Independent Task Planners Based On Linear Logic Sitar Kortik Ph.D Candidate (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Varol Akman) Computer Engineering Department Linear Logic is a non-monotonic logic, with semantics that enforce single-use assumptions thereby allowing native and efficient encoding of domains […]

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