
MATH Seminar: “Coherence Conditions for the Characters of Trivial Source Modules”, John McHugh, 5:30PM February 21 2024 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Algebra Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: John McHugh (University of California, Santa Cruz) “Coherence conditions for the characters of trivial source modules” Abstract: Recently, Boltje and Carman described a ring of so-called “coherent character tuples” which is isomorphic to the trivial […]

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Main Campus Sports Hall Usage due to “Career Fair”

Due to the 2024 Career Fair and preparations for the fair, the courses to be held in the Main Sports Hall between February 22 – March 1, 2024 have been canceled. Thank you. Physical Education and Sports Center   A) The following courses will be held in the Dormitories Sports Hall. […]

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BSO Concert: “Brahms & Shostakovich”, Bilkent Concert Hall, 8:00PM February 17

17 February 2024 | Bilkent Concert Hall Brahms & Shostakovich Gürer Aykal, conductor Hande Küden, violin J. Brahms | Violin Concerto, D Major, Op.77 D. Shostakovich | Symphony No.9, Op.70 For tickets: https://ticket.bilkent.edu.tr/ Tel: 03122901775 http://bso.bilkent.edu.tr https://www.facebook.com/BilkentSymphonyOrchestra/ https://www.instagram.com/bilkentsymphony/?hl=tr

AMER Semineri: “Totality at Trinity: Paranoia and the State in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony”, Devin William Daniels, 4:30PM February 14 2024 (EN)

The Department of American Culture and Literature warmly invite you to: “Totality at Trinity: Paranoia and the State in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony” Date: February 14 Time: 16:30-18:00 Place: G-160 Abstract: The cultural and theoretical production of the 1970s has been largely remembered for its resistance to metanarratives, skepticism towards […]

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MATH Seminar: “Quasi-categories and simplicially enriched categories”, Walker Stern, 1:30PM February 12 2024 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Topology Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Walker Stern (Bilkent University) “Quasi-categories and simplicially enriched categories” Abstract: In this talk, we define quasi-categories as simplicial sets satisfying a lifting condition related to both categories and Kan complexes. We describe an adjunction that […]

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MATH Seminar: “Some problems associated with the smoothness of Green’s functions”, Alexander Goncharov, 3:30PM February 12 2024 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Analysis Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Alexander Goncharov (Bilkent University) ” Some problems associated with the smoothness of Green’s functions” Abstract: We discuss the following open problems: Does Hölder continuity of Green’s function follow from Markov’s property of the set? Is […]

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