
MATH Seminar: “Noether Symmetries in Quantum Cosmology: A selection rule for time evolving observable universes”, Salvatore Capozziello, 4:00PM February 27 2024 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Applied Mathematics Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Salvatore Capozziello (Universita’ di Napoli Federico II) “Noether Symmetries in Quantum Cosmology: A selection rule for time evolving observable universes” Abstract: Noether’s symmetries have a prominent role in any branch of Physics. Here, we […]

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MAN Seminar: “The Value of Experience-Centric Stores in Omnichannel Retail: A Multi-Method Approach at the Category Level”, Ayşe Çetinel, 10:30AM February 28 2024 (EN)

Date: 28 February 2024, Wednesday Time: 10:30-12:00 Place: MA-330 The Value of Experience-Centric Stores in Omnichannel Retail: A Multi-Method Approach at the Category Level by Ayşe Çetinel Koç University Abstract: More online retailers are proliferating the brick-and-mortar channel. To guide this expansion strategy, we have examined three omnichannel store openings […]

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UNAM Seminar: “Security Printing with Laser-Induced Plasmonic Colors”, Nathalie Destouches, 11:00AM February 28 2024 (EN)

You are cordially invited to UNAM Nanocolloquium seminars focusing on advancements in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The seminars bring us the most recent developments in these exciting fields. This week’s talk will be presented by Prof. Nathalie Destouches (Université Jean Monnet). Nanocolloquium series Title: Security printing with laser-induced […]

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BTLSC & PDGM Seminar: “Üniversitede Yaşam Yolculuğu III: Psikolog, Felsefeci ve Eğitimci Bakış Açısı ile İstikrar: Hayalden Hedefe”, 12:30Noon February 28 2024 (TR)

Üniversitede Yaşam Yolculuğu III: Psikolog, Felsefeci ve Eğitimci Bakış Açısı ile İstikrar: Hayalden Hedefe Belirli aralıklarla gerçekleştireceğimiz “Üniversitede Yaşam Yolculuğu” paylaşım saatimizde sizlerin önemli bulabileceğine inandığımız yaşam becerilerini ele alıyoruz. Serimizin üçüncü etkinliğini istikrar, özdisiplin ve irade konusunda 28 Şubat 2024 Çarşamba günü saat 18:00’de C Blok amfide (merkez eczanenin […]

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POLS Seminar: “A paradox of ethnic politics? Minority language recognition and political trust”, Sevinç Öztürk, Aykut Öztürk, 12:30Noon February 28 2024 (EN)

Talk: “A paradox of ethnic politics? Minority language recognition and political trust” by Asst. Prof. Dr. Sevinç Öztürk Department of Management & Organization Bitlis Eren University sevincozzturk@gmail.com & Asst. Prof. Dr. Aykut Öztürk School of Social & Political Sciences The University of Glasgow Date and Room Info: Wednesday, February 28, […]

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PSYC Seminar: “Children are not immature adults: evidence from goal understanding, rational thinking, and mind-reading studies”, Gökhan Gönül, 12:30Noon February 28 2024 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the seminar organized by the Department of Psychology. Speaker: Dr. Gökhan Gönül (Post-doctoral Researcher at the Department of Comparative Cognition at the Institute of Biology of the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland) Title: Children are not immature adults: evidence from goal understanding, rational thinking, and mind-reading […]

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POLS Seminar: “Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında İslamcılık: Nereden Nereye”, İlker Aytürk, 12:30Noon February 28 2024 (EN)

Bilkent POLS olarak Kütüphanemizin iş birliğiyle “Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılı Konuşmaları” başlıklı etkinlikler serisine 28 Şubat 2024’te Bilkent Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümünden Doç. Dr. İlker Aytürk’ün gerçekleştireceği konuşmayla devam ediyoruz. Konuşma Türkçe olup herkesin katılımına açıktır. Ekte bulunan posterdeki QR kodunu okutarak konuşmayı Youtube üzerinden de canlı olarak takip […]

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LAUD Seminar: “Strategies against gentrification processes in the city of Berlin: Housing market, urban policies and public administration”, Pınar Boğa, 12:30Noon February 28 2024 (EN)

You are kindly invited to follow LAUD TALKS: Spring 2023-2024 organized by the Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, FADA, Bilkent University. Speaker: Pınar Boğa (Public Officer of Preliminary Urban Development, Urban Planning Department in the District of Steglitz-Zehlendorf, City of Berlin) Title: Strategies against gentrification processes in the […]

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