
MATH Seminar: “Consensus in networks of anticipatory agents under transmission delays”, Zeynep Güven, 1:00PM June 28 2024 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the M.S. Thesis Defense Presentation “Consensus in networks of anticipatory agents under transmission delays” Zeynep Güven, M.S. Student in Mathematics Abstract: We investigate the linear consensus problem on undirected graphs consisting of anticipatory agents in the presence of an information transmission delay. The agents anticipate […]

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POLS Seminar: “A History of Threats: Investigating the Construction of Security Threats in National Strategy Documents”, Andrew Neal, 4:00PM June 25 2024 (EN)

Talk: “A History of Threats: Investigating the Construction of Security Threats in National Strategy Documents” by Professor Andrew Neal Professor of International Security Director of Postgraduate Research Programmes School of Social and Political Science University of Edinburgh https://www.sps.ed.ac.uk/staff/andrew-neal Andrew.Neal@ed.ac.uk Date and Room Info: Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 4:00 p.m. A-130 […]

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CS Seminar: “PiDeeL: metabolic pathway-informed deep learning model for survival analysis and pathological classification of gliomas”, Gün Kaynar, 10:00AM June 26 2024 (EN)

PiDeeL: metabolic pathway-informed deep learning model for survival analysis and pathological classification of gliomas Gün Kaynar Master Student (Supervisor: Asst.Prof.Ercüment Çiçek) Computer Engineering Department Bilkent University Abstract: Online assessment of tumor characteristics during surgery is important and has the potential to establish an intra-operative surgeon feedback mechanism. With the availability […]

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PHYS Seminar: “Laser-induced refractive index and birefringence control in silicon with advanced spatial laser modulation”, Alperen Saltık, 10:30AM July 1 2024 (EN)

“Laser-induced refractive index and birefringence control in silicon with advanced spatial laser modulation” by Alperen Saltık, Bilkent University, Department of Physics. Advisor: Asst. Prof. Onur Tokel Date: 01/07/2024 Time: 10:30 Place: SA-240 Seminar Room Abstract: Exploiting nonlinear laser interactions within materials offers unique capabilities for exerting control on the optical […]

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CS Seminar: “Topology-Aware Reconstruction of Curvilinear Structures”, Doruk Öner, 1:30PM June 24 2024 (EN)

Topology-Aware Reconstruction of Curvilinear Structures Dr. Doruk Öner,EPFL Abstract: Curvilinear structures, such as roads in remote sensing images, blood vessels in medical scans, and neural pathways in microscopy images, are vital for applications including city planning, surgical planning, diagnosis, and treatment planning. Due to their complexity and vast nature, manual […]

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