
CHEM Seminar: “Peptides: Swiss Army Knife of Chemistry,” Dr. Salih Özçubukçu (METU), Seminar Room Z-14, 12:40PM April 2 (EN)

CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT SEMINAR: “Peptides: Swiss Army Knife of Chemistry” Asst. Prof. Dr. Salih Özçubukçu Department of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University Abstract: /var/folders/2s/vbnhx_js6rd3lm9htvhg5fdc0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/Screen-Shot-2018-11-12-at-16.30.49-1024×687.png Peptides are versatile molecules which found great applications in various field of chemistry. Peptide based drugs, peptide materials, delivery systems, enzyme mimics are only few of their […]

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MATH Seminar: “Nevanlinna Type Representations,” Aurelian Gheondea, SA-141, 4PM April 2 (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students, You are cordially invited to the Analysis Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Aurelian Gheondea (Bilkent) “Nevanlinna Type Representations” Abstract: We show that certain classes of operator valued holomorphic functions that possess symmetry properties with respect to complex conjugation admit realisations as generalised resolvents […]

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MS Thesis Presentation: “Deep Convolutional Network for Tumor Bud Detection,” Soner Koç (CS), EA-516, 9:30AM April 3 (EN)

MS THESIS PRESENTATION: Deep Convolutional Network for Tumor Bud Detection Soner Koç MS Student (Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Gündüz Demir) (Co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selim Aksoy) Computer Engineering Department The existence of tumor buds is accepted as a promising biomarker for staging colorectal carcinomas. In the current practice of […]

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CTIS Seminar: “E-Signature Technologies and Electronic Certificate Service Providers,” Burak Kırımer (Türk Trust), Building C, CE-106, 12:40PM April 3 (EN)

“E-Signature Technologies and Electronic Certificate Service Providers” Burak KIRIMER, Türk Trust, R&D Manager Apr. 3, 2019, Wed. 12:40 (Duration: 50 mins.) Place: East Campus, C Building, CE-106 GE 250/251 : 10 Points Seminar language will be English. You are all cordially invited. CTIS seminars web page: http://www.ctis.bilkent.edu.tr/ctis_seminars.php

Seminar: “How do Sponsorships Work?” Barış Erman Depecik, Ümit Berkman Seminar Room, 1:40PM April 5 (EN)

Date: 5 April 2019, Friday Time: 13:40-14:40 Place: Faculty of Business Administration, Ümit Berkman Seminar Room (MA-330) “How Do Sponsorships Work?” by Barış Erman Depecik (Bilkent University) Abstract: Partnerships with major sports franchises have become an increasingly utilized marketing communications tool. Yet, progress in measuring and assessing sponsorship’s business impact […]

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