
IAED Lecture: “Late Ottoman and Early Turkish Republican Era Housing Production from the Capital City, Ankara,” Dr. Deniz Avcı Hosanlı, FB-309, 12:50PM April 19 (EN)

Interior Architecture & Environmental Design Department Lecture: Deniz Avcı Hosanlı LATE OTTOMAN AND EARLY TURKISH REPUBLICAN ERA HOUSING PRODUCTION FROM THE CAPITAL CITY, ANKARA Date:19/04/2019 Friday Time, Place: 12:50, FB309 Bio: Dr. Deniz Avcı Hosanlı holds a master’s degree on Conservation of Cultural Heritage (M.S.) and Ph.D. on History of […]

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Seminar: “Nurturing a Culture of Teaching Excellence in Universities,” Dr. Emin Çivi, Ümit Berkman Seminar Room, 1:40PM April 19 (EN)

Date: 19 April 2019, Friday Time: 13:40-14:40 Place: Faculty of Business Administration, Ümit Berkman Seminar Room (MA-330) “Nurturing a Culture of Teaching Excellence in Universities” by Emin Çivi Bilkent University Abstract: Nurturing a culture of teaching excellence in universities through creating sense of community teaching and research have long been […]

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COMD Presentation: “Recent Practices, Opportunities and Challenges in Serious Games Research,” Dr. Elif Sürer (METU Informatics), CerModern, 1:30PM April 13 (TR)

Department of Communication and Design & CerModern invites you to a presentation by Dr. Elif Sürer (METU Informatics), as part of the exhibition ‘Games and Politics’ (ZKM): “Recent Practices, Opportunities and Challenges in Serious Games Research” GE 250/251: 15 point Date: April 13th, 2019, Saturday Time: 13.30 – 15:00 Place: […]

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MBG Seminar: “The Secretome Cargo of MSCs: Players in Intercellular Communication and Wound Healing,” Prof. Joana Miranda (Lisbon University), SBZ-14, 12:30PM April 11 (EN)

Dear All, You are cordially invited to our department seminar for this week. The seminar is going to be presented by Prof. Joana Miranda, from Lisbon University, Department of Pharmacy. The title of her talk is: THE SECRETOME CARGO OF MSCs: Players in intercellular communication and wound healing Place: SBZ14 […]

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Traffic Awareness Week Activities, April 11

Due to Traffic Awareness Week, Ankara Department of Security Office and Bilkent University are going to co-organize the following activities and educational programs about traffic safety on Thursday, April 11, 2019. Activity I: • Practicing penalty shootouts while using the drunk simulation goggles, which will make a person feel like […]

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Ceramic Exhibition: Kim Yong Moon, Library Art Gallery, April 11-May 7

Dear Bilkent University Members, Bilkent University Library Art Gallery will host an exhibition of ceramics from Kim Yong Moon, between 11 April and 7 May 2019. Everyone interested is invited. The exhibit will be open every day (except Sundays) between 10.30 and 18.00. Best Regards, Bilkent University Library

Seminar: “Türkiye’nin Ham Petrol İhracatçısı Ülke Olma Potansiyeli” & “Alternatif Boru Hatları: Hazar Denizi Geçişi” Ege BOZ (EEPS), Hilal GÜMÜŞLÜ (IR), Oğuzhan ÖZTÜRK (ECON), Kayra UZUN (EE); A-130, 12:40PM April 11 (TR)

Bilkent Enerji Politikaları Araştırma Merkezi Sunar: “Türkiye’nin Ham Petrol İhracatçısı Ülke Olma Potansiyeli” “Alternatif Boru Hatları: Hazar Denizi Geçişi” Ege BOZ (EEPS), Hilal GÜMÜŞLÜ (IR), Oğuzhan ÖZTÜRK (ECON), Kayra UZUN (EE) Tarih: 11 Nisan 2019, Perşembe Saat: 12:40 Yer: FEASS A-130. GE 250/251 : 10 Points

MATH Seminar: “New Classes of Spherically Symmetric, Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models,” Yaghoub Heyderzade, SA-141, 2:40PM April 11 (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students, You are cordially invited to the Applied Math Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Yaghoub Heyderzade (Bilkent) “New Classes of Spherically Symmetric, Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models” Abstract: We present two classes of non-singular, inhomogeneous, spherically symmetric solution of the Einstein-Maxwell-Perfect fluid field equations with cosmological […]

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