
Astronomy Observation: 7:30PM October 3

From the Bilkent Physics Astronomy Group: The Department of Physics Astronomy Group and the Astronomy Society are holding their first telescope observation of the semester on Thursday, 3 October. We are planning on observing the planet Saturn, followed by the Andromeda galaxy if time and weather permit. We will also […]

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MS Thesis Presentation: “An Analog Neuromorphic Classifier Chip for ECG Arrhythmia Detection,” Murat Alp Güngen (EE), EE-314, 1PM September 30 (EN)

SEMINAR: AN ANALOG NEUROMORPHIC CLASSIFIER CHIP FOR ECG ARRHYTHMIA DETECTION By MURAT ALP GÜNGEN M.S. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Prof. Abdullah Atalar The seminar will be on Monday, September 30, 2019 at 13:00 @ EE-314 ABSTRACT Following Moore’s Law, the increase in the availability of more processing power alongside […]

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MATH Seminar: “Homology Decompositions for Classifying Spaces of Finite Groups and Linking Systems,” Ergün Yalçın, SA-141, 1:40PM September 30 (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students, You are cordially invited to the Topology Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Ergün Yalçın (Bilkent) “Homology decompositions for classifying spaces of finite groups and linking systems” Abstract: This will be a series of two talks. The aim is to understand the homology decompositions […]

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LAW Lecture Series: “Peaceful Protests – Civil Disobedience – Riot: Contents and Restrictions on ‘Freedom of Assembly’ within the Legal System of the Federal Republic of Germany,” Prof. Dr. Regina Weiss (Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung, Bremen), 5:40-7:30PM September 30 & October 1-2-3 (EN)

Lecture Series : PEACEFUL PROTESTS – CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE – RIOT: CONTENTS AND RESTRICTIONS ON “FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY” WITHIN THE LEGAL SYSTEM OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Prof. Dr. Regina Weiss Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen Dates, Hours, Place : Session 1 : September, 30th, Monday; 17.40-19.30, V 01 Session […]

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