
ARCH Seminar: “Architecture as Experience – embodied and existential meaning in architecture,” Juhani Pallasmaa, FFB-22, 12PM November 24 (EN)

Department of Architecture Lectures: Architecture for People Date: 24 November 2019, 12:00-15:30 Place: FFB-22 Juhani Pallasmaa Title: Architecture as Experience – embodied and existential meaning in architecture Abstract: Architectural theory, education and practice have regarded architecture as formal, visually aestheticized material structures and spaces. Yet, already in 1934 John Dewey […]

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CHEM Seminar: “High-Throughput Screening of Porous Materials for CO2 Capture and Separation,” Seda Keskin Avcı (Koç University), SB-Z14, 12:40PM November 26 (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students, You are cordially invited to attend the seminar organized by the Department of Chemistry. The speaker is Seda Keskin Avcı from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Koç University. Title: ‘High-Throughput Screening of Porous Materials for CO2 Capture and Separation’ Date: Tuesday, Nov 26th, 2019 […]

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PSYC Seminar: “Autobiographical Memories of Achieved and Unachieved Goals,” Ali İ. Tekcan (Boğaziçi University), C-Block Amphi, 12:40PM November 28 (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students, You are cordially invited to a seminar titled “Autobiographical Memories of Achieved and Unachieved Goals” by Full Professor Ali İ. Tekcan from the Psychology Department at Boğaziçi University. Date: 28 November 2019, Thursday Time: 12:40-13:40 Place: FEASS, C Block Amphi Autobiographical Memories of Achieved and Unachieved […]

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MATH Seminar: “Non-stationary energy in general relativity,” Bayram Tekin (METU), SA-141, 2:40PM November 28 (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students, You are cordially invited to the Applied Mathematics Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Bayram Tekin (METU) “NON-STATIONARY ENERGY IN GENERAL RELATIVITY” Abstract: Using the time evolution equations of (cosmological) General Relativity in the first order Fischer-Marsden form, we construct an integral that measures […]

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MAN Seminar: “A Transshipment Problem at a Fast-Fashion Retailer,” Abdullah Daşçı (Sabancı University), MA-330, 1:40PM November 29 (EN)

Date: 29 November 2019, Friday Time: 13:40-14:40 Place: Faculty of Business Administration, Ümit Berkman Seminar Room (MA-330) “A Transshipment Problem at a Fast-Fashion Retailer” by Abdullah Daşçı Sabancı University Abstract: Here, we present a transshipment problem for a large apparel retailer. The problem is inspired from the logistics operations of […]

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IE Seminar: “Mechanism Design for Managing Hidden Rebates and Inflated Quotes of a Procurement Service Provider,” Xiaoshuai Fan (Hong Kong University), EA-409, 1:40PM November 29 (EN)

Mechanism Design for Managing Hidden Rebates and Inflated Quotes of a Procurement Service Provider Xiaoshuai Fan Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Nov 29, 1:40 p.m. EA-409 Problem Definition. When sourcing through a procurement service provider (PSP), the PSP often collects rebates […]

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