
HART Seminar: “Archaeological Research at the ionian City of Notion”, Prof. Christopher Ratté (Michigan University), 5PM October 25 (EN)

The Department of Archaeology cordially invites you to attend the Lecture of Prof. Christopher Ratté (Michigan University) on Zoom entitled “Archaeological Research at the ionian City of Notion”. Date: Sunday 25 October 2020 Time: 17:00 (UTC+3) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99319633129?pwd=eTB2VnM1UmlzNnhKdm8rakd4a0ZOUT09 Meeting ID: 993 1963 3129 Summary of the Lecture Notion […]

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CHEM Seminar: “Aqueous zinc-ion batteries for stationary energy storage”, Fabio La Mantia, Universität Bremen, 3:30PM October 27 (EN)

Title : Aqueous zinc-ion batteries for stationary energy storage Speaker: Fabio La Mantia, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany. Date : October 27th, 2020, Tuesday Time : 15.30 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/7290645404?pwd=dk8yVGJsaEhYNFJJMk9XTXR0elBWUT09 Meeting ID: 729 064 5404 Abstract Aqueous zinc-ion batteries have recently shown a promising potential for stationary applications in terms […]

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EDEB Seminar: “Transnational Feminisms and Contemporary Turkish Women Writers in English Translation: Theories, Texts and Practices”, Şule Akdoğan, 3:30PM November 2 (TR)

Talk’s Title “Transnational Feminisms and Contemporary Turkish Women Writers in English Translation: Theories, Texts and Practices” by Dr. Şule Akdoğan METU University Monday, November 02, 2020, 15:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting Info: Meeting Room 140 https://zoom.us/j/93516347871?pwd=dXZjdFVMVTZIanI5NEFSN2dFMGs3QT09 Meeting ID: 935 1634 7871 Abstract Problematizing monolithic and totalizing articulations of “woman” and oppression, […]

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ECON Seminar: “2020 İktisat Nobeli: Paul R. Milgrom ve Robert B. Wilson’un İhale kuramına katkıları”, Nuh Aygün Dalkıran, 2PM 21 October (TR)

This is an announcement for a seminar that will be in Turkish. HERKES İÇİN TÜRKİYE EKONOMİSİ SEMİNERLERİ* “2020 İktisat Nobeli: Paul R. Milgrom ve Robert B. Wilson’un İhale kuramına katkıları” Nuh Aygün Dalkıran (Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisat Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi) 21 Ekim 2020 Çarşamba Saat 14:00 Zoom Link *Ekonomi bilgisi olsun […]

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LAW Seminar: “Mülteciler/Misafirlerimiz: Tanıdıklarımız ve Bu Seferki Farklılıkları”, Akif Atlı, 12:30 15 October (EN)

Avrupa ve Uluslararası Göç Hukuku Jean Monnet Modülü tarafından düzenlenen GÖÇ KONUŞMALARI SERİSİ’nin Güz 2020-2021 ilk toplantısına davetlisiniz. Konuşmacı: Akif Atlı (Birleşmiş Milletler Mülteciler Yüksek Komiserliği) Konu: “Mülteciler/Misafirlerimiz: Tanıdıklarımız ve Bu Seferki Farklılıkları” Tarih ve Saat: 15 Ekim 2020 Perşembe, 12.30-13.30. Zoom Toplantısı https://zoom.us/j/94148008476 Meeting ID: 941 4800 8476 Özet […]

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HIST Seminar: “The Grave of Saint Nicholas, Byzantium at Ankara 2020-2021 Fall Seminar Series”, Philipp Niewohner, 6PM 15 October (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students, You are cordially invited to a seminar titled “The Grave of Saint Nicholas, Byzantium at Ankara 2020-2021 Fall Seminar Series.” Date: 15 October 2020, Thursday Time: 18.00 – 21:00 (Istanbul Time Zone) Title: The Grave of Saint Nicholas Speaker: Philipp Niewohner, Georg August Universität Gottingen Abstract […]

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MAN Seminar: “Arguing To Defeat: Eristic Argumentation And Irrationality In Resolving Moral Concerns”, Serdar Kurdoğlu, 1:30PM 16 October (EN)

Date: 16 October 2020, Friday Time: 13:30-14:30 This is an online seminar. To request the event link, please send a message to tanrisever@bilkent.edu.tr “ARGUING TO DEFEAT: ERISTIC ARGUMENTATION AND IRRATIONALITY IN RESOLVING MORAL CONCERNS” by Serdar Kurdoğlu Bilkent University Abstract: By synthesizing the argumentation theory of new rhetoric with research […]

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LAUD Seminar: “Perspectives On Climate Change Adaptation And Sustainability Strategies For University Campuses”, Gizem Karabay Can, 6PM 16 October (EN)

You are kindly invited to the seminar organized by the Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture. Speaker: Gizem KARABAY CAN Title: “PERSPECTIVES ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGIES FOR UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES” Date&Time: October 16, 2020, Friday, 18.00-19.00 Join Zoom Meeting Zoom Access Link: https://zoom.us/j/3027503873?pwd=THlSUmYyVldNdExUNGRFTGQ2Q2Nudz09 Bio: GİZEM KARABAY CAN […]

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