
FBA Seminar: “3rd Management Research Day”, 5.30PM April 29 (EN)

3rd Management Research Day 29 April 2021, Thursday Discussant: Berrin Erdoğan, Portland State University, USA 17:30-18:10 Faculty Presentation 1* Serdar Kurdoğlu: “Heuristic vs. Eristic leadership: A model of ethical and non-ethical leadership” 18:10-18:50 Faculty Presentation 2 Zahide Karakitapoğlu-Aygün: “When do employees forgive authoritarian leaders?: The role of benevolent leadership and […]

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ME Seminar: “Quantum cavity optomechanics at microwave frequencies”, Prof. Mika Sillanpää, 10.30AM April 30 (EN)

Title: Quantum cavity optomechanics at microwave frequencies Speaker: Prof. Mika Sillanpää Affiliation: Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, Finland Date: Friday April 30th Time: 10:30 Please contact to the department for the Zoom Meeting information details. Abstract: Mechanical oscillators affected by radiation pressure forces allow to address fundamental questions on […]

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LAW Seminar: “1921 Anayasası’nın 100. Yılı Toplantıları – I”, 2.00PM April 23 (TR)

Bilkent Üniversitesi, Galatasaray Üniversitesi ve Kadir Has Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültelerince düzenlenen 1921 Anayasası’nın 100. Yılı Toplantıları’nın ilki 23 Nisan 2021 tarihinde Bilkent Üniversitesi’nin ev sahipliğinde düzenlenecektir. 1921 Anayasası’nın 100. yılında, 1921 Anayasası’nın farklı yönleriyle ve döneme ilişkin günümüzde de süregiden güncel tartışmalarıyla ele alınacağı toplantı serisinin ilkine ilgi duyan herkesi […]

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IR Seminar: “The Return of National Self-Sufficiency? Excavating Autarkic Thought in a De-Globalizing Era”, Prof. Eric Helleiner, 3.40PM April 26 (EN)

Prof. Eric Helleiner (University of Waterloo) “The Return of National Self-Sufficiency? Excavating Autarkic Thought in a De-Globalizing Era” Time: Apr 26, 2021 03:40 PM Ankara Join Zoom Meeting Please contact to the department for the Zoom Meeting information details. Eric Helleiner is a Professor in the Department of Political Science […]

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