
CCI Seminar: “Enlightenment Relativism: A Reassessment”, Dr Roger Maioli, 7:30PM October 21 (EN)

Dr Roger Maioli (University of Florida): “Enlightenment Relativism: A Reassessment” ABSTRACT: Combining literary studies and intellectual history, “The Enlightenment Crisis of Values” is the first full-length study of Enlightenment relativism — of its features, origins, and consequences. I argue that eighteenth-century reflections on relativism help to explain an intriguing feature […]

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MAN Seminar: “Why do firms with recent initial public offerings end up delisting? Role of acquisitions and capital investments”, Aslı Arıkan, 2:30PM October 22 (EN)

Date: 22 October 2021, Friday Time: 14:30-15:30 ‘Why do firms with recent initial public offerings end up delisting? Role of acquisitions and capital investments’ by Aslı Arıkan Kent State University Abstract: One of the strategic concerns for newly public firms is to balance its internal investments and mergers and acquisitions […]

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IE Seminar: “Does Transportation Mean Transplantation? Impact of New Airline Routes on Sharing of Cadaveric Kidneys”, Tinglong Dai, Johns Hopkins University, 4PM October 22 (EN)

Speaker: Tinglong Dai, Johns Hopkins University Date & Time: October 22, 2021, Friday, 16:00 Title: Does Transportation Mean Transplantation? Impact of New Airline Routes on Sharing of Cadaveric Kidneys Abstract: Every year, nearly 5,000 patients die while waiting for kidney transplants, and yet an estimated 3,500 procured kidneys are discarded. […]

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EE Seminar: “Learning at the Wireless Edge”, Michael Henry, 5:30PM October 26 (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students, You are invited to join the Bilkent EEE Distinguished Seminar Speaker: H. Vincent Poor Michael Henry Strater University Professor Princeton University “Learning at the Wireless Edge” Flier: https://ee.bilkent.edu.tr/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Bilkent-EEE-Seminar-October-26-2021.pdf Location and Time: Online; 26 October 2021, 17:30-18:30 Abstract Wireless networks can be used as platforms for machine learning, […]

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BTLSC Seminar: “Sustainable assessment: Designing continuous assessment to encourage student learning for the longer term”, Céline Girardet, 12:30PM October 27 (EN)

“Sustainable assessment: Designing continuous assessment to encourage student learning for the longer term” Wednesday, October 27, 2021 12:30 – 13:30 pm (Please ask for Zoom Meeting info: btlsc@bilkent.edu.tr) This seminar will address the issue of sustainable assessment in higher education. After defining sustainable assessment, we will address how we can design […]

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MA Seminar: “Promote Internally or Hire Externally? The Role of Trust, Reciprocity, and Performance Measurement Precision”, Michael Henry, 1:40PM October 28 (EN)

Date: 28 October 2021, Thursday Time: 13:40-14:40 ‘Promote Internally or Hire Externally? The Role of Trust, Reciprocity, and Performance Measurement Precision’ by Victor Maas University of Amsterdam (Please ask for Zoom Meeting info to department) Abstract: Managers often face the choice between promoting an internal employee and hiring an external […]

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