You are cordially invited to seminar organized by the Bilkent Teaching and Learning Support Center (BTLSC).
Title: “Alternatives to Traditional Exams”
Speaker: Dr. Tufan Kıymaz, Bilkent University
Date: 21 January 2021, Thursday
Time: 11:00 – 12:00
Zoom Meeting
To request the event link, please contact to the department
Abstract: In this workshop, we’ll discuss alternative assessment techniques to traditional exams. In addition to discussing some examples of widely used non-traditional assessment techniques in student-centered pedagogies, we’ll also talk about the criteria for a successful assignment and how to design new assignments considering the particular requirements and circumstances of a given course.
Biography: Dr. Tufan Kıymaz received his PhD in Philosophy, with a minor in History and Philosophy of Science, from Indiana University, Bloomington, in 2017. The same year he joined Bilkent University Department of Philosophy. His main areas of research are philosophy of mind and philosophy of well-being. He was active in Indiana University Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, both as a regular participant in workshops and learning communities, and also as a workshop facilitator. At Bilkent, he is organizing seminars and weekly workshops for students in collaboration with Bilkent Psychological Counseling and Development Center.