A Bilkent STS Network Event. Subject: Tesla: Innovation for a Low Carbon Economy
Date: February 15th, 2018, 18:00 – 19:00
Place: EE 214
This presentation focuses on the social implications of Tesla’s electric vehicles (EVs). As part of his research at Aston University, Doğa Gurgunoglu conducted a SWOT (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats) analysis on Tesla. He found that policies related to lowering carbon footprints had an impact on developments at Tesla. Public perceptions of autonomous and electric vehicles also helped to shape developments at Tesla. For example, the performance and efficiency of EVs was a key driver. As part of this research, Doğa also considered the ethical implications of utilizing artificial intelligence in EVs.
Speaker: Doğa Gürgünoğlu, Bilkent Electrical and Electronics Engineering Student
Moderator and Communications: Melis Ercan
Bilkent STS Network: http://ge301.bilkent.edu.tr/bilkentstsnetwork/