Time: 16:40 to 18:00
Thursday 15 November 2018
Location: G 160
‘I find this is not the land of harmony’: Publishing Henrietta Liston’s travel journals (1812-1820)
Valerie Kennedy & Patrick Hart
Who was Henrietta Liston and why should her Constantinople journals (1812-1820) be published? Introducing the ‘Approaching Constantinople’ project, a collaboration between Bilkent and the National Library of Scotland, Patrick Hart and Valerie Kennedy will try to answer these questions, discussing some of the difficulties involved in situating Liston in relation both to recent conceptualisations of travel writing (including travel writing by women) and to the discourses of Orientalism and the eighteenth-century picturesque. The talk will also consider some of the textual and editorial issues thrown up by Liston’s manuscript and the National Library of Scotland’s Liston archives.